Advertiser Account Setup
- Click the ‘Sign Up’ button and fill in your details.
- Check your inbox for a verification email and click the link to confirm your account.
- Use your new credentials to access your dashboard.
- Personalize your profile by adding relevant information about your brand and advertising goals.
Adding payment method
- Click the ‘Add’ button and select your payment method of choice.
- Fill in your payment details.
Changing / Adjusting payment method
- Click on the existing payment method.
- Edit your payment details.
Billing Transparency
Prepaid Balance
This is the amount of money that you have to spend for future ad activities.
Last Deposit
This is the amount of your last deposit.
Auto Deposit
Turn this feature on/off. If you’re using automatic deposit, you will automatically deposit when your prepaid balance gets low.
Payment Method: Select your payment method for automatic deposits, your balance threshold, amount, and frequency.
Default Payment Method
What you use to pay for your advertising costs, such as a credit card.
Billing History
Review all of your account’s transactions.
Billing Support: For any billing-related inquiries, visit our Support Center or contact our dedicated billing support team.